Omcan PE-IT-0048-D - Double Deck Electric Pizza Oven - 27" x 27" x 6" Decks | Kitchen Equipped
    Omcan PE-IT-0048-D - Double Deck Electric Pizza Oven - 27" x 27" x 6" Decks | Kitchen Equipped
Omcan PE-IT-0048-D - Double Deck Electric Pizza Oven - 27" x 27" x 6" Decks | Kitchen Equipped
Omcan PE-IT-0048-D - Double Deck Electric Pizza Oven - 27" x 27" x 6" Decks | Kitchen Equipped
    Omcan PE-IT-0048-D - Double Deck Electric Pizza Oven - 27" x 27" x 6" Decks | Kitchen Equipped
Omcan PE-IT-0048-D - Double Deck Electric Pizza Oven - 27" x 27" x 6" Decks | Kitchen Equipped



The Omcan "Pyralis" is an electric oven that was designed and built to offer extremely high levels of performance, efficiency and reliability with low operating costs.

It is available for baking 4 to 18 pizzas with a diameter of 34 cm. In the mechanical version, the temperature is set by the top and bottom thermostats and is displayed on the mechanical thermometer. It also has a safety thermostat and independent chambers.

      • Does not include stand, but one can be purchased separately.


    Item: 40638
    Model: PE-IT-0048-D
    Maximum Temperature: 842° F / 450° C
    Electrical: 220v / 60 /3
    Power: 13.2 Kw
    Pizza/hour (Based On 14" Pizza): 120
    Chamber Dimensions (LxDxH): 27.6” X 27.6” X 5.9” (x2)
    External Dimensions (LxDxH): 43” X 39.8” X 29.5”
    Packaging Dimensions (LxDxH): 43.3” X 44” X 33”
    Net Weight: 403.4 lb
    Gross Weight: 443 lb 



    The Omcan "Pyralis" is an electric oven that was designed and built to offer extremely high levels of performance, efficiency and reliability with low operating costs.

    It is available for baking 4 to 18 pizzas with a diameter of 34 cm. In the mechanical version, the temperature is set by the top and bottom thermostats and is displayed on the mechanical thermometer. It also has a safety thermostat and independent chambers.

        • Does not include stand, but one can be purchased separately.


      Item: 40638
      Model: PE-IT-0048-D
      Maximum Temperature: 842° F / 450° C
      Electrical: 220v / 60 /3
      Power: 13.2 Kw
      Pizza/hour (Based On 14" Pizza): 120
      Chamber Dimensions (LxDxH): 27.6” X 27.6” X 5.9” (x2)
      External Dimensions (LxDxH): 43” X 39.8” X 29.5”
      Packaging Dimensions (LxDxH): 43.3” X 44” X 33”
      Net Weight: 403.4 lb
      Gross Weight: 443 lb 


      Omcan by Omcan

      Omcan PE-IT-0048-D - Double Deck Electric Pizza Oven - 27" x 27" x 6" Decks

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      Investor focus research & development value proposition graphical user interface investor. Startup business plan user experience.
      Investor focus research & development value proposition graphical user interface investor. Startup business plan user experience.

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